I’ve found that ASP in general is slightly flakier - but maybe that is just to do with the sites that it’s used at…
Aside from the two you’ve mention, the RESDK doesn’t exist in ASP - you can’t create new documents through the ASP SDK hence why the HTML query panel isn’t available in WIASP.
Flaky meaning in the java report panel when you click on something, wait, and click again if it didn’t take.
You don’t have this “feature” in JSP HTML?
I have no empirical evidence to support this, but I do have a feeling. This only applies to the sites where I have worked. (Could be my fault.)
The sites seem to have had the most stability issues are those running ASP. I have big concerns that some of this may be simple flakiness in IIS. The Apache/Tomcat (especially in 6.1) combination has been great!
Totally agree Steve. Most issues crop up in ASP - opendoc not working properly, random page not displayed errors…
Any site using JSP only seems to have had problems related to their database or other non BO things. Now I’ve said that of course I’ve doomed them all to instability…
Although that said, 6.1b has been a bit of a shining light so far for ASP in my experience.