What to do if the repository is gone


I have a question. We started final testing of our datawarehouse and by accident deleted the Business Objects tables (obj_… and unv_…) and re-created them. However, they are empty.
Hence, the security domain is gone. We have found it out just a couple days ago.
At first we were going to re-create a repository thereby creating the security domain from scratch.
But now we are going to use the backup tables as of last week and hopefully it will work.

Does any one see any issues we need to be aware of? Does anyone have similar experience?



Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

We have had this happen before… I guess you hit the delete repository button thinking it would leave the databse ok… so did I. :o)

Restoring it seems ok. If your BOMAIN.KEY is trashed you may need to do a safe recovery.

The main thing then is to do scan & repairs on every repository. Any new documents, users etc. are not going to be in your restored security so the link to them may dissapear. We had to re-export a load of documents from local copies… but thankfully we had backed them up seperate to the reposiotories.

It may be possible to frig these links into the repository, but it’s very tricky and not advisable.

The best thing to do is try :o)… the welath of experience in the forum will help you on individual problems.

Good luck,

Phil Morris

Mike_Leshchiner@MAIL.AMSINC.COM[SMTP:Mike_Leshchiner@MAIL.AMSINC.COM] Sent: 09 September 1998 20:43


I have a question. We started final testing of our datawarehouse and by
accident deleted the Business Objects tables (obj_… and unv_…) and re-created them. However, they are empty.
Hence, the security domain is gone. We have found it out just a couple
days ago.
At first we were going to re-create a repository thereby creating the security domain from scratch.
But now we are going to use the backup tables as of last week and hopefully
it will work.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

It is possible to recover the repository from a backup of the database. I would recommend though that you do a scan and repair of the repository after the tables have been restored.

Tim Rodine

I have a question. We started final testing of our datawarehouse and by

accident deleted the Business Objects tables (obj_… and unv_…) and re-created them. However, they are empty.
Hence, the security domain is gone. We have found it out just a couple days ago.
At first we were going to re-create a repository thereby creating the security domain from scratch.
But now we are going to use the backup tables as of last week and hopefully it will work.

Does any one see any issues we need to be aware of? Does anyone have similar experience?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)