WebIntelligence 2.0, ReportServer Problems

A (well known?) Problem with Webi 2.0:

When showing or actualizing a BO 4.1 report via the reportserver the BO pool manager creates a “Document context object”. If you show the report, webi identifies this document via the document contex object.

If now the wiqt.exe process for your session is stopped due to being longer inactive than the “Max inactive time” allows, webi saves all contex Information to disk to restore the process if you get active again.

Now restoring the process works fine, except the document contex information. If you try to continue browsing or actualizing a Report you startet with the Report Server before, you get one of these ReportServer error-messages:

bad caller Workflow, unable to find Document contex can’t bind to report server (returned by function Get list of OLAP Security Prompts)

Unfortunately sometimes you get these messages also without the wiqt executable stopped and started again. Has anybody ideas for the reason or a solution for this Problem ??

Btw.: If you like to try out a combination of Webi 2.0 and Active Server Pages, feel free to check out our WEB-MIS sample at http://webi.berata.com.

i.A. Mark Zimmermann

Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 38
71034 B–blingen

Tel. 07031/2161-130, Fax: -50
Email: zimmermann@berata.com
Web: http://www.berata.com
Webi: http://webi.berata.com

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I would really like to see what you have done with your sample. What ID should we use?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

try “BERATA GmbH” pw: “test”. (It’s mentionet on the homepage, too :slight_smile:



Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)