re : “the login call has brought a non CORBA error”.
We also received this error message. BO provided the following fix:
"The login problems some of you are experiencing with IIS 4 are due to an Out Of Memory error in NT. This can be fixed by increasing the size of the desktop heap:
- Run Registry Editor (REGEDT32.EXE).
- From the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, go to the following key:
\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems - Select the Windows value.
- From the Edit menu, choose String.
- Change the SharedSection parameter (see below)
- SharedSection specifies the system and desktop heaps using the
following format:
where xxxx defines the maximum size of the system-wide heap (in kilobytes) and yyyy defines the size of the per desktop heap. The default value of the per desktop heap under Windows NT 3.5 (512K) can support approximately 2,500 windows. Increasing the desktop heap by 256K or 512K normally provides enough memory to correct Out of Memory errors.
When you install (parts of) the NT 4 Option Pack, such as IIS4, then a third value will be added to SharedSection: 1024,3072,512. This third value is causing the problems with webi 2. For the moment, the fix is simply to delete this third value. Note that this may cause other memory problems if there are a lot of other services installed on the NT machine. We are currently investigating on other solutions.
This fix worked for us. Hopefully, it will be helpful to you also.
Jay Clise
Sandia National Labs
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)