
I have never worked on WEBI and now am planning to use Webi 2.x
I need to know the features and differences wrt Ful client.What are the limitations of Webi over Full client.?
How do i install Webi 2.7 on my pc.both server and client.Is it done using Configuration Tool?

umaramesh (BOB member since 2003-08-22)

Webi let you able to access some of bo functions in a web browser interface (IE)
You have not to have both BO full client and Oracle or Sybase middleware. All is on the webi server

Using webi, you have just to click on the webi server url, and login at webi using your bo login

Off course, with webi 2.x release, you have less functionnality than a bo full client.

  • you are able to refresh (but not creat or modify) rep files stored on repository, access BCA functionnality
  • you are able to create webi query (with a bo5 like query pannel using java applet or activeX) but you can only have ONE DP and one type of presentation (one frame OR graph, only one tab, no way to create vars, hidding blocks, etc etc)

So webi is good for a “push-button” use but very poor to create query.

WebI v6 has great improvment in query creation but still not as good as bo full client

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

I have forgotten the end of your question :wink:

You have to install webi on a NT or unix server and use an http server like apache or iis for example
in your client computer, you have to type the url of the webi server like


what do you call configuration tool in v2.7 ?

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

I meant n Custom installation of BO cd ,what do i choose to install WebIntelligence products.
When i get to teh user login screen it asks for userid ,pwd and Domain.What do i supply?

umaramesh (BOB member since 2003-08-22)

when you install bo clients product, at the begining, you shooes “client products” on the wisard and the “server products” are grayed if you are not on NT server plateforme

if you run setup on nt server, you have access on “server product” in wizard and you can select to install webi and bca if you have valide licence keys for this products.

after the install and the http server config, you can access webi in you browser selecting the ip or the computer name /wi

I recommend you to read the deployment_upgrading and pdf about webi you will find in cd 2 to learn more about webi install

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

Regarding differences between WebI v2.x and Business Objects Full Client Reporter 5.x see this presentation by Integra Solutions.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)