webi starting trouble

Iam using webi 2.7/windows 2000.i see webI stopped and when I start webi nothing happens…i went to services section,clicked on WebIntelligence Orb to manually start it but i get this message:

Cannot start Webintelligence service error 1068 the dependency service is not available"
to “log on as a service”.

Business Objects knowledge base suggests 2 solutions,:

[Resolution deleted. We do not allow posting of copyrighted materal]
ANy help is appreciated…

user222 (BOB member since 2003-11-12)

Just a question: has never worked webi?

I mean: this is a situation obtained after some changes or since the installation?

If this is the case (since installation), you should check if you consigured services to be run as internal administartor or with a different user.


alex :it: (BOB member since 2002-08-23)

It’s nice when the error tells you what the problem is.

Have you verified that the id used to start the services does indeed have the needed privileges?

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

a windows patch was installed on the machine hosting our webI and the password of the id used to start the services got corrupted…when i reverted it to original password ,WebI works fine…have u guys faced this problem of password getting changed all by itself…

user222 (BOB member since 2003-11-12)