WEBI Questions

Hello All!

We are currently evaluating WEBI for the following purpose: Our product is
an internet based software package that stores all of the client data on our
servers. We would like to provide our customers with the ability to do
ad-hoc queries via a browser and WEBI looks like a good candidate. Obviously
we would like our customers to only see their own data. Has anyone out there
used WEBI in this manner?

Our product requires the user to login, is there any way to pass a user name
and password to WEBI so the user need not login again?

I set test customers up as separate Universes, which seems to do a good job
of keeping their data private. One problem I noticed, however, was that then
you use the send feature to send a report to another user, you get a list of
all users regardless of universe. Any way to fix this? Would each customer
require a separate repository?

When I view a report from WEBI and click “Refresh” I get the following
Internal error Unable to launch server process (returned by
function Import Report)
Any ideas on how to get refresh to work?

Some of our customers have pretty specific report designs. The HTML output
from WEBI is a bit lacking. Has anyone done any complex layouts? Is printing
from the browser the only option?

Thanks for any advice or help you can provide!

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)