Webi Performance

Has anyone implemented WebIntelligence 2.0 successfully, and are you happy with the performance?

We are running Webi on two clustered dual Pentium II 333 MHz NT servers with 512 Mb RAM and IIS as the Web server. We have had significant performance problems during testing with 20 to 30 users logged in. For some users, retrieval of empty reports took up to ten minutes, and refreshing the reports took over 20 minutes. These times are for the people who were ABLE to retrieve and refresh reports. All but two users reported some sort of error when either logging in, opening, or refreshing reports. The errors ranged from “Automation Error” to “Communication Error” to “Can’t bind to report server” error to timeout errors, etc. These errors happened sporadically for each user.

Does any of this sound familiar? Any advice (or war stories) would help!


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

We are running Webi on two clustered dual Pentium II 333 MHz NT servers with 512 Mb RAM and IIS as the Web server. We have had significant performance problems during testing with 20 to 30 users logged in.

I am curious as to whether you are clustering WIQT Manager? I tried it and ALL of the WIQT sessions started on ONE machine. In other words there was no clustering for WIQT. San Jose said they recreated my problem and they say Paris is looking in to it. However I can’t seem to get any word back on where it stands. So maybe you are not getting any help from your node? Have you checked this?

BusinessObjects has presented some cluster configurations based upon 30 second response time and number of users. However they were ONLY testing one narrow function (report retrieval) and I don’t consider that test real world. I can’t believe you can have 90 active users on a configuration with less hardware than the one you describe (I think it was one dual processor 200 MHz), but that is what their testing supposedly showed. I too am very curious as to hardware configuration /# of users experience from real world clients.

Greg Mills
Conoco Inc.
(580) 767-5597 ETN 442-5597

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Has anyone implemented WebIntelligence 2.0 successfully, and are you happy with the performance?

We are running Webi on two clustered dual Pentium II 333 MHz NT servers with 512 Mb RAM and IIS as the Web server. We have had significant performance problems during testing with 20 to 30 users logged in.

We have just completed the Webi evaluation and have also had significant performance problems. We have been working with someone from Business Objects to see if these problems can be resolved. For testing purposes only, we have Webi installed on a 166MHz NT server with 128 Mb RAM and IIS. We were told by Business Objects that this should be adequate.

During our testing, we had one user running standard reports that were generated in the 4.0 full client and normally took 6-10 minutes to complete. While some of these reports completed using a Netscape browser in approximately the same amount of time as the full client, they timed out when using Internet Explorer 4.0 after running for 45 minutes. The reports that completed in Netscape are designed with tabs, which present different views of the data to users. In the full client, changing tabs takes about 10-20 seconds. In Webi it took 6 minutes.

We have also gotten many error messages along the way during testing. Some of them could not be replicated. At least one has resulted in a GPF.

Has anyone run into the Internet Explorer 4.0 problem and/or the problem with report tabs when using Webi? Also, are you encountering frequent error messages during testing? Has anyone found solutions to the performance problems?


Nancy Williams



Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I too am very curious as to hardware configuration /# of users experience from real world clients.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

When attempting to log in to our WebIntelligence Server, we are getting the message “Cannot reach repository database”. Nothing appears to be showing up on our server log. We are running version 4.1.1, not 4.1.3. Could this be the reason for the above failure? Any other ideas?


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

We implemented WebI2 and experienced many of the same problems (error messages long lags etc), and found that there are several ways to eliminate or reduce the problmes. I changed the MIN and MAX settings similarly to what others have done (see last weeks postings). Another problem is using reports developed in 4.1.3.

When reports are altered (by selecting new criteria on the document, altering layout, removing/adding objects), some of the old data stays attached to the document. This data is visible to WebI, and results in errors when these documents are updated (can’t bind to report server, and unable to find document context are common). To solve this I was forced to complelty rebuild each document whenever changes are made to the objects or query criteria.

The best performance from WebI comes when the reports are entirely built from WebI. In order to facilitate this, I have altered the underlying database to fit my needs. For example, I needed to use a union query, and unable to do this in WebI, and very much unsatisfied with the results of building it in 4.1.3, I just developed a view to perform the union on the database level. I hope that this information can help some of you.


Benjamin Elrod
Braun Technology Group

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Check your TNSNAMES.ORA file and make sure that it points to the correct database instance. (Assuming that you are using Oracle.) Also, be sure that your BOMAIN.KEY file is correct.

From: Barry James[SMTP:barry_james@FTDETRCK-CCMAIL.ARMY.MIL] Sent: Friday, November 13, 1998 9:59 AM

When attempting to log in to our WebIntelligence Server, we are getting the message “Cannot reach repository database”. Nothing appears to be showing up on our server log. We are running version 4.1.1, not 4.1.3. Could this be the reason for the above failure? Any other ideas?


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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hello, listeners.

One more questions! How can we improve
WebIntelligence performance?

The problem is:
The BO reports is very slow. We open BO report -> The string “Waiting for server” appears in windows status bar. -> Report is displayed after ~3-5 minute.

Same situation appears when Button Next/Previous was pressed.

What is the problem? Any ideas?


Aleksejs Jevsejenko
A/S DATI, www.dati.lv

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)