I am having trouble getting Left Outer Joins in the From clause. The abiltity to create left outer joins in Designer is working fine. I have made changes to the .prm files and when I go to build a report in full client the left outer joins are in the from clause, but the Webi reports are not picking up the left outer join only putting the sql in “box” defining the join between two objects? I have read many postings and researched this on the site, but no final answer. Are ANSI_92 joins possible in Webi reports? Has anyone gotten left outer joins in the from clause in Webi?
When I change the paramter ANSI92 from No to Yes I kept getting an error “SQL could not be prepared …” is there any special trick to setting this parameter? I’m running 6.1a
When I change the paramter ANSI92 from No to Yes I kept getting an error “SQL could not be prepared …” is there any special trick to setting this parameter?
I am also getting the same error any reolsution for this.