WebI installation problem on Win2k/IIS

I need some help urgently for the following problem. Any pointers would be appreciated.

We’re having a Win2k box (mypcname) running IIS 5:
1. Services WIOrb and WIManager do not get created and do not start-up after installation on the cluster manager.
2. After manually installing as service, WIOrb starts up, but WIManager process hangs and displays status as Starting (neither started, nor stopped)- similarly WINotify continues showing “WebIntelligence is starting up”. Task manager shows the process wimanager.exe as running.
If I try to login to the cluster manager from the Administrator page using mypcname\BOAdmin, it doesn’t connect- just hangs!

I’m using a local user account BOAdmin - which has been added to the administrators group on the server mypcname and also provided appropriate rights like starting up as a service. I’ve specified mypcname\BOAdmin as the domain and userid. Do I need to provide my company LAN domain as the domain- in that case how do I get an administrator login for the domain created?

What changes do I need to make to the ORBDesktop.ini file?
Do I need to import the BOMain.key file (from some desktop Supervisor installation) before trying to connect or is the default generated during installation okay?

Can you guide with the setting up and configuration of WebI on a single-machine cluster?
Also how to install and setup Broadcast agent on such a single-machine server (if it is required at all)? I’ll be having BO client desktop installations on other desktops (our other team members) and these would be using Infoview to log on to the WebI server on mypcname.

Please help. Please let me know if you need more details.


maloym (BOB member since 2004-07-23)

From what I can see, you’ve done everything correctly. Did you happen to deinstall first and then install again. The behavior you are describing generally comes from a forgotten reboot.

Have you talked to support?

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

No, there wasn’t anything with forgotten reboot.
Our IS requires SP4 for servers running IIS5- which unfortunately is not supported by BO. So can’t explore that option.

I tried putting my server’s IP in the ORBDesktop.ini (default ip address after intsallation was, but it still doesn’t work.

Any thing I’m missing here?
Do I try to install the desktop pdts also on the same server and try using the BOMain.key file from that- after creating a repository using Supervisor?


maloym (BOB member since 2004-07-23)

What version are you trying to install. IIS 5.0/Win2K SP4 is supported with 5.1.8/2.7.4 My first suggestion would be to installed a supported product if you are not already doing so.

Maloy, do you have access to the installation guides. I would start with those. It sounds like you have not created your repository yet, this should probably be your first step.

jswoboda :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)