Webi Install

I’m looking for the same or similar information. I’ve installed B0 5.0 WEBI on a NT
4.0 (SP4) running IIS 4.0.

WEBI seems to work fine, except that I can’t see any corporate documents.

In my case WEBI is not authenticating my user/password. I can logon (supposedly) with anything.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


We had the same problem when we first installed. We ended up having to reinstall Webi. Make sure when you do, that you create the BOMain.key file and that it points to the security domain in the repository.

Michael Welter
Sr. Technical Analyst

I’m looking for the same or similar information. I’ve installed B0 5.0 WEBI on a NT
4.0 (SP4) running IIS 4.0.

WEBI seems to work fine, except that I can’t see any corporate documents.

In my case WEBI is not authenticating my user/password. I can logon (supposedly) with anything.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Install the desktop modules and then start Supervisor and do a safe recovery to generate a new bomain.key. This should allow you to log into your repository. I have noticed that copying the key sometimes doesn’t work. Hope this helps. Darrell

Randy Vande Hei RandyV@ITOL.COM on 01/03/2000 11:24:12 AM

Please respond to Business Objects Query Tool BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

cc: (bcc: Darrell F Pulliam/Corp/DukePower)

I’m looking for the same or similar information. I’ve installed B0 5.0 WEBI on a NT
4.0 (SP4) running IIS 4.0.

WEBI seems to work fine, except that I can’t see any corporate documents.

In my case WEBI is not authenticating my user/password. I can logon (supposedly) with anything.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Have you made sure that you have a copy of the BOMain.key file in the LocData directory on the webi machine?


Brian Patterson

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Actually, you can copy the BOMAIN.KEY file from your original Business Objects location (the LOCDATA folder or wherever you keep yours) into the WebI installation and that will work just fine. Keeps you from having to re-install WebI.

  • Tony Burton
    Senior Instructor, Education Services
  • Business Objects
    1080 Holcomb Bridge Road, Bldg. 100, Suite 300, Roswell, GA 30076 Tel: 770 645 3151
    Fax: 770 998 9830
    Pager: 800 403 1289
    E-mail: tburton@businessobjects.com

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Ack! Sorry for leaving all that junk in the response. Mea culpa. I’ll watch it next time.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)