WEBI - Hidden Classes

Has anyone encountered this before?

We are using linked universes, and when we hide a class in the derived universe, it does not display in the client version (5.0) - this is what we want; however, in the web, the same classes show up. This is very confusing for the users! I have opened a case, but haven’t gotten any resolution on it yet.

Nancy Bloome
Perot Systems

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi Nancy,

We sometimes find this problem in a regular client itself and we also do not have an answer as to why it happens, but we get around the same by deleteing the universe from the repository and exporting it afresh.

Hope this helps.

Prasad Shenoy
CMOS Soft Inc, CA

Has anyone encountered this before?

We are using linked universes, and when we hide a class in the derived universe, it does not display in the client version (5.0) - this is what we want; however, in the web, the same classes show up. This is very confusing for the users! I have opened a case, but haven’t gotten any resolution on it yet.

Nancy Bloome
Perot Systems

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


Just a thought. Did you have the user refresh their universe list? That may make the difference.

Michael Welter
Sr. Technical Analyst

We are using linked universes, and when we hide a class in the derived universe, it does not display in the client version (5.0) - this is what we want; however, in the web, the same classes show up. This is very confusing for the users! I have opened a case, but haven’t gotten any resolution on it yet.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I have a similar problem. I need to hide objects in the kernel universe. This works fine in the client version (4.1.5) but it doesn’t in WebI, the object still appears. I can, however, hide an entire class in WebI. It just doesn’t work at the object level.

This problem hasn’t been a real priority, we’ve used a work around. Please let me know if you find a solution to this problem.

Dave Gross
Deloitte Consulting

We are using linked universes, and when we hide a class in the derived universe, it does not display in the client version (5.0) - this is what we want; however, in the web, the same classes show up. This is very
for the users! I have opened a case, but haven’t gotten any resolution on it yet.


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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)