WebI 6.1b Behaving differently, not showing new Measures?

Iam working with BO 6.1b and my WeBi is behaving differently,
When i select Measure first time it is showing all result objects in the query,after that when i change the measure it is not showing the new measure.
Query:- Date Rev1 Rev2 it is showing the results.

                                 Edit  <replaced measure with Rev4 and Rev 5>  

Query:- Date Rev4 and Rev 5

                                  it is showing only  Date no measures.

when i select the same query in new report it is showing <Date,Rev4,Rev5> correctly.
is it a bug in 6.1b? or do i need to change any thing on the server side.


bouser_1 (BOB member since 2004-03-20)

Are you getting empty column?

peacock (BOB member since 2002-11-07)

sounds like you need to drag the new objects into report table. Don’t think Webi does this automatically like in full client. But as you found out, a new report will put all the objects on your table.

scott copeland (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

I Created the Report using Date,Rev1 and Rev2 Objects without saving i decided to change the Measure (Rev1 and Rev2) to Rev4 and Rev5 by removing the old one and draging the newone in.
When i say Run it is only showing the Date in the report.

It is not showing the Rev4 and Rev5 measures in a report.


bouser_1 (BOB member since 2004-03-20)

Adding the new objects to an output table (new or existing) is now required upon editing (and refreshing) the query.

Blake Sanders (BOB member since 2002-08-29)