Iam working with BO 6.1b and my WeBi is behaving differently,
When i select Measure first time it is showing all result objects in the query,after that when i change the measure it is not showing the new measure.
Query:- Date Rev1 Rev2 it is showing the results.
Edit <replaced measure with Rev4 and Rev 5>
Query:- Date Rev4 and Rev 5
it is showing only Date no measures.
when i select the same query in new report it is showing <Date,Rev4,Rev5> correctly.
is it a bug in 6.1b? or do i need to change any thing on the server side.
sounds like you need to drag the new objects into report table. Don’t think Webi does this automatically like in full client. But as you found out, a new report will put all the objects on your table.
I Created the Report using Date,Rev1 and Rev2 Objects without saving i decided to change the Measure (Rev1 and Rev2) to Rev4 and Rev5 by removing the old one and draging the newone in.
When i say Run it is only showing the Date in the report.
It is not showing the Rev4 and Rev5 measures in a report.