=If(IsNull([ETM Tr to Sch Arr]);"&nbsp";If(Truncate([AVG Tr to Sch Arr]/30;0)=0;"<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=20><TR BGCOLOR=ltgreen><TD align=right><FONT FACE="+"\""+"Arial"+"\""+" SIZE=1.5>"+FormatNumber([AVG Tr to Sch Arr];"#####0.00")+"</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>";If(Truncate([AVG Tr to Sch Arr]/30;0)=1;"<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=20><TR BGCOLOR=yellow><TD align=right><FONT FACE="+"\""+"Arial"+"\""+" SIZE=1.5>"+FormatNumber([AVG Tr to Sch Arr];"#####0.00")+"</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>";"<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=20><TR BGCOLOR=red><TD align=right><FONT FACE="+"\""+"Arial"+"\""+" SIZE=1.5>"+FormatNumber([AVG Tr to Sch Arr];"#####0.00")+"</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>")))
This is the code that I use for alerters in my Java Panel. If the value is negative, then the cell is filled with RED color. If it is less then 30, it is filled with lightgreen color and if it is greater than 30 it is fileld with yellow color. All colored cells have values in them.
Now the problem is, if there is no value/data available for a particular column, then the column header should be colored out with black color. how do I do this? I’d appreciate if somebody could help me out.
tendulkar (BOB member since 2004-03-15)