Wdeploy / Distributed Installation

Hi All

As of now all our products on one box, Webiserver, Websphere, Webserver, on a single UNIX box.

With the upgrade to the 6.1b or 6.1.3 it is going to be in a different way

Webiserver on a separate box on whch we have full control
Websphere on a separate box which will be shared by other applications too, where we don’t have any privilege to do anything.
Webserver on a separate box again we don’t have any access / privilege on this box.
(Webserver and appserver on separate boxes is recommended by IBM consultants)

We do know how to create and deploy war files in the current architecture; precisely we have a script in place, which does the job for us.

Install webi
Configure ORB using xwconfigtool
Generate bomain key using wmainkey
Wdeploy and create the war files
Deploy war using websphere admin console
Deploy static resources ivres.zip on the web servers

Our questions are

Other than configuring the ORB do we have to configure anything using the xwconfigtool
If we don’t install the config tool on the websphere box how do we define it as a client node.
wdeploy, where it is, and how to use it, in creating and deploying war files.in a distributed environment.
When we create the war files do we need any privileges on the websphere box.

Thanks in advance

Bobby (BOB member since 2004-05-05)

Any input on this, will be of great help, thanks in advance

Bobby (BOB member since 2004-05-05)


I just went through what you are going through. We have WebSphere on the same box as Webi. Here’s what we had to do (We had to get BO support involved) - the key is even though you have a stand-alone, you need to use distributed (WebSphere only supports this type) -

Subject: wdeploy with config.properties

Include proper parameters in config.properties for WAS/IHS config including:


Then for INFOVIEW, run:

wdeploy websphere5 -DAPP=infoview -Djsp.app.name=wijsp deploy

For ADMIN, run:

wdeploy webspher5 -DAPP=admin -Djsp.app.name=wiadmin

robbie :us: (BOB member since 2003-02-24)

Thanks robbie for your valuable input, in our case we are running websphere on one box, and webserver on another box, and webi server is on a different box

more questions we have to run wdeploy from our webiserver right

work.dir= where this directory should be, should it be on the webiserver or the websphere server
as.admin.username= Webshere admin username or webi admin user name
as.admin.port= which port webi or websphere
as.dir= websphere or webi install directory
as.host= which host name
as.instance= which instance

Then for INFOVIEW, run:

wdeploy websphere5 -DAPP=infoview -Djsp.app.name=wijsp deploy

What kind priveleges we should have on our websphere server

thanks a million i do know am asking too much

Bobby (BOB member since 2004-05-05)


I will try to answer as many questions as I can. Keep in mind that in our case, we are using Websphere as both the app and web server and webi resides on the same server as well.

wdeploy is located in the $installdir/deployment directory on your webi-server.

Remember, if you web server is on a diff machine as your app server you must always use the “distributed mode”.

work.dir= where this directory should be, should it be on the webiserver or the websphere server

work.dir=/hris/WebSphere/AppServer - this would be a directory on your AppServer. In our case it was the same server as webi, but not yours.

as.admin.username= Webshere admin username or webi admin user name
as.admin.username=admin - this would be the admin ID for Websphere, not the webi admin one.

as.admin.port= which port webi or websphere
as.admin.port=9090 - this would be the websphere port that you have open to the Webi server

as.dir= websphere or webi install directory
This would be the websphere install directory

as.host= which host name
as.host=the IP address of the server that your app server is on. I our case it was the same as the webi one.

as.instance= which instance
as.instance=server1 - I think this is the default for your app server

What kind priveleges we should have on our websphere server?
We used root because the app/web server dir and files were created with root - this works…

You may want to download the “Installation and Configuration Guide for Unix” - the “Configuring Web Applications using WDeploy” section from off of the BO tech website. Or, go ahead and open a new case with BO.

Hope this helps some…

robbie :us: (BOB member since 2003-02-24)

Thanks Robbie have a nice day

Bobby (BOB member since 2004-05-05)