Viewing SQL for queries of extinct universes

Hello Listers–

I’m hoping to do some universe cleanup and kill off some universes we’re no longer using. However, even though I’ll warn the users and instruct them how to convert their existing body of queries to the proper universes before killing off the batch I’m cleaning up (and pad in some extra time anyway), I’m concerned about those who will think they’ve converted everything, only to find some months from now that they haven’t (I’ve been bitten by this before). The problem is, once the universe no longer exists, the user can’t even see the SQL for the query (I think!), in order to reconstruct it, and s/he certainly can’t switch the query to another universe in the Data Manager. Does anyone have any ideas of a workaround on this? Or shall I be prepared to tell the users that, if they haven’t used a query in that long it must not be that crucial anyway (and we all know how well received that comment would be!)?

Amy Miller

Amy A. Miller, Data Analyst
University of Pennsylvania ISC
Office of Data Administration
3401 Walnut, Suite 265C /6228
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228
Phone: 215-898-2171 Fax:215-898-0386

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

If you’re desperate you can always just open the file in word and do a find on the word select…

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

How about copying the universe on a floppy for safekeeping? If someone needs it in the future, you can place it again in your Repository.

George Baranowski

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

There is actually a nice, simple solution to this.

Create an empty cell on a new tab of the ‘orphaned’ report.

Edit the formula to say:
DataproviderSQL(“Query 1 with Beach”)

Your cell will contain the SQL used for the Dataprovider. You will likely have to do some major resizing of the cell, but you’ll get what you want.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)