BusinessObjects Board

VBA Marco

“How can I get the Table(s) name(s) and Cloumn(s) of an object in a universe using VBA macro.”

"I have already used Dwayne Hoffpauir’s
VBA macro which gets class name and Object name and modified to get subclass and Select of the Object.

I tried to use some Object’s Class
Universe\Classes\Class\Objects\Object\Tables :idea:

SeanBob :us: (BOB member since 2004-05-03)

I have logic that i use for reporting to our DBA team:
What it basically does is execute a query against the repository for the universe names, and for each universe, I import,refresh it structure, and write out every table used in it… I’m sure it can be easily modified to spit out the columns.

here is a section of my logic:

Const strFolderPath As String = "C:\Report Debug Logs\"  ' logging folder path
'Procedure Name: LoadDataProvider
'Purpose: Create Designer object and load/import all universe and write all files to DP for reporting
'Author: jresendez
'Date/Time Created:6/27/2005 / 13:31
Sub LoadDataProvider(dpInterface As DpVBAInterface)
10      On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
20    Call CheckForLoggingFolder

30    WriteLog ("Begin - LoadDataProvider")

40    Application.Interactive = False

      Dim i As Integer 'loop index
      Dim Col1 As DpVBAColumn 'a column in the microcube
      Dim Col2 As DpVBAColumn 'a column in the microcube
      Dim Col3 As DpVBAColumn 'a column in the microcube
      Dim Col4 As DpVBAColumn 'a column in the microcube
      Dim Col5 As DpVBAColumn 'a column in the microcube
      Dim Col6 As DpVBAColumn 'a column in the microcube

      Dim Cols As DpVBAColumns 'the columns of the microcube
      Dim newCube As DpVBACube 'the microcube we're filling

50    Set newCube = dpInterface.DpVBACubes.Item(1) 'there is only one cube
60    Set Cols = newCube.DpVBAColumns 'reference the columns of the cube
70    Cols.SetNbColumns (6) 'how many columns in the cube?
80    IntCurrentRowPos = 1

90    Set Col1 = Cols.Item(1) 'look at the first column in the cube
100   Col1.Name = "BO_UNIVERSE" 'the name that appears in the report
110   Col1.Type = boCharacterObject 'what sort of information is it?
120   Col1.Qualification = boDimension 'dimension, detail or measure?

130   Set Col2 = Cols.Item(2) 'look at the first column in the cube
140   Col2.Name = "LIBRARY" 'the name that appears in the report
150   Col2.Type = boCharacterObject 'what sort of information is it?
160   Col2.Qualification = boDimension 'dimension, detail or measure?

170   Set Col3 = Cols.Item(3) 'look at the first column in the cube
180   Col3.Name = "FILE_NAME" 'the name that appears in the report
190   Col3.Type = boCharacterObject 'what sort of information is it?
200   Col3.Qualification = boDimension 'dimension, detail or measure?

210   Set Col4 = Cols.Item(4) 'look at the first column in the cube
220   Col4.Name = "BO_TABLE_ALIAS" 'the name that appears in the report
230   Col4.Type = boCharacterObject 'what sort of information is it?
240   Col4.Qualification = boDimension 'dimension, detail or measure?

250   Set Col5 = Cols.Item(5) 'look at the first column in the cube
260   Col5.Name = "RUN_DATE" 'the name that appears in the report
270   Col5.Type = boCharacterObject 'what sort of information is it?
280   Col5.Qualification = boDimension 'dimension, detail or measure?

290   Set Col6 = Cols.Item(6) 'look at the first column in the cube
300   Col6.Name = "RUN_TIME" 'the name that appears in the report
310   Col6.Type = boCharacterObject 'what sort of information is it?
320   Col6.Qualification = boDimension 'dimension, detail or measure?

      Dim WrkMain As Workspace
      Dim ConMain As Connection
      Dim RsQry As Recordset
      Dim Sql As String
      Dim Rep As Report
330   WriteLog ("Connect to repository DB to retrieve universe list")
340   Set WrkMain = CreateWorkspace("ODBCWorkspace", "admin", "", dbUseODBC)
350   Set ConMain = WrkMain.OpenConnection("Publishers", dbDriverNoPrompt, False, "ODBC;DATABASE=mydatabase;UID=myuserid;PWD=password;DSN=mydsn")

370   Sql = Sql & " ,OBJ_M.M_REPO_C_NAME "
380   Sql = Sql & " ,OBJ_CONN.M_CNTN_C_NAME "
'430   Sql = Sql & " AND  OBJ_CONN.M_CNTN_N_TYPE = 2 "
430   Sql = Sql & " AND  OBJ_M.M_REPO_N_TYPE = 2 "

470   Set RsQry = ConMain.OpenRecordset(Sql, dbOpenDynaset)

480   WriteLog ("Create Designer object")

      Dim ObjDes As Designer.Application
490   Set ObjDes = New Designer.Application
500   ObjDes.Interactive = False

510   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
520   MsgBox "Can not create the designer object" + Chr(10) + Chr(13) + Err.Description, vbCritical
530   Exit Sub
540   End If

      Dim ObjUniverse As Designer.Universe
     'Dim ObjConnection As Designer.Connection

550   WriteLog ("Logging into Designer")

560   Call ObjDes.LoginAs("bosuper", "bo", False)

570   WriteLog ("Logged into Designer")

580   If Not RsQry.EOF Then
590       Do While Not RsQry.EOF

600                                   DomainName = RsQry.Fields("M_REPO_C_NAME")
610                                   UniverseName = RsQry.Fields("M_UNI_C_FILENAME")
620                                  ConnectionName = RsQry.Fields("M_CNTN_C_NAME")

                                      Dim Y As Integer
                                      Dim strUniverseName As String
                                      Dim strCopyFromPath As String
                                      Dim strCopyToPath As String
                                      Dim strUniverseFullName As String
                                      Dim strSourceDomain As String
630                                    strUniverseName = UniverseName
640                                   strUniverseName = strUniverseName &amp; ".unv"
650                                   strCopyFromPath = ObjDes.GetInstallDirectory(dsUniverseDirectory) &amp; "\" &amp; DomainName &amp; "\"
660                                   WriteLog ("Checking for existing copy of universe..")


670                                 WriteLog ("Importing Universe... [" &amp; DomainName &amp; " - " &amp; UniverseName &amp; "")
680                                    ObjDes.Application.Interactive = False
690                                    Call ObjDes.Universes.Import(DomainName, UniverseName, False)

700                                     ObjDes.Application.Interactive = True
710                                       WriteLog ("Import Complete")

720                                   WriteLog ("Initiate " &amp; UniverseName &amp; " then open")
730                                   ObjDes.Interactive = False
740                                   Set ObjUniverse = ObjDes.Universes.Open(strCopyFromPath &amp; strUniverseName)
750                                     ObjDes.Interactive = True

760                                     WriteLog ("ConnectionName= " &amp; ObjUniverse.Connection)
770                                   WriteLog (UniverseName &amp; " open")

780                                         ObjDes.Application.Interactive = False
790                                         WriteLog ("Begin Refresh Stucture")

800                                     ObjDes.Universes.Application.ActiveUniverse.RefreshStructure
810                                         WriteLog ("End Refresh Stucture")
820                                         ObjDes.Application.Interactive = True
830                                   On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
                                      'here is where i get the universe tables
840                                   For i = 1 To ObjUniverse.Tables.Count
                                          Dim objTable As Designer.Table
850                                       Set objTable = ObjUniverse.Tables.Item(i)
860                                       If (objTable.IsAlias = False) And (InStr(1, ObjUniverse.Tables.Item(i).Name, ".") <> 0) Then

Here you can add the code to get your column names
maybe something like:

For x = 1 To ObjUniverse.Tables.Item(i).Columns.Count
      MsgBox ObjUniverse.Tables.Item(i).Columns.Item(x).Name
Next x

and proceed to the next table(s)…etc

870                                           Call GetLibrary(ObjUniverse.Tables.Item(i).Name)
880                                           Call GetFileName(ObjUniverse.Tables.Item(i).Name)
890                                           blnCheckedEDI = False
900                                           Call GetSystemCatalog(strLibraryName, strFileName, "SOURCE_DB")
910                                           If blnFoundFile Then

920   Col1.Item(IntCurrentRowPos) = ObjUniverse.Name 'set the value to a number
930   Col2.Item(IntCurrentRowPos) = strSystemTableSchema 'set the value to a number
940   Col3.Item(IntCurrentRowPos) = str400FileName 'set the value to a number
950   Col4.Item(IntCurrentRowPos) = ObjUniverse.Tables.Item(i).Name 'set the value to a number
960   Col5.Item(IntCurrentRowPos) = strCurrentdate 'set the value to a number
970   Col6.Item(IntCurrentRowPos) = strCurrentTime 'set the value to a number
980   IntCurrentRowPos = IntCurrentRowPos + 1

990                                           End If
1000                                      Else
1010                                          WriteLog (UniverseName &amp; "-- File " &amp; ObjUniverse.Tables.Item(i).Name &amp; " is an Alias Table OR it does not an applicable universe.")
1020                                      End If

1030                                  Next i
1040                                                ObjDes.Interactive = False
1050                                            ObjUniverse.Save
1060                                                ObjDes.Interactive = True

1070                      ObjUniverse.Close
1080          WriteLog ("Universe " &amp; UniverseName &amp; " has completed...")
1090          RsQry.MoveNext
1100      Loop
1110  End If

1120  WriteLog ("Process Completed ")

1130  WriteLog ("Closing Designer Objects")

1140  ObjDes.Quit
1150  Set ObjDes = Nothing

1160  WriteLog ("Closing Database and Recordset connections")
1170  Set RsQry = Nothing
1180  ConMain.Close
1190  WrkMain.Close

1200  WriteLog ("Restoring Application.Interactive - TRUE")
1210  Application.Interactive = True

1220  WriteLog ("Exiting Subroutine")
1230  Exit Sub

1240      Close #1
1250       WriteLog ("ERROR - " &amp; CStr(Err.Number) &amp; " (" &amp; Err.Description &amp; ") Error occured at line number - " &amp; Erl)

1260      WriteLog ("Error Found, moving to next universe...")

1270  If Err.Number = 42 Then
1280       GoTo ImportErrorSkip
1290  End If

1300            GoTo MoveNext

End Sub

Function WriteLog(LogTxt As String, Optional EndProcessBrk As Boolean)
Dim doc As Document
Dim StrLogFile
If IsLoggingOn Then
            Set doc = ActiveDocument
            StrLogFile = strFolderPath &amp; doc.Name &amp; "_Audit_Log" &amp; "_" &amp; Format(Now(), "yyyy_mm_dd") &amp; ".log"
            Open StrLogFile For Append As #1
                Print #1, Now() &amp; " -- " &amp; LogTxt &amp; vbCrLf;
                    If EndProcessBrk Then
                        Print #1, vbCrLf &amp; vbCrLf;
                    End If
            Close #1
End If

Exit Function
End Function

Hope this helps…
I left out a few sections…but you should be able to get this up in running in your application.

jresendez :mexico: (BOB member since 2004-05-03)

Here is another alternative. The utility posted here is from one of my conference presentations in 2004. It is a “read only” utility that will document pretty much an entire universe using Excel and the Designer SDK.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

Thank so very much jresendez and Dwayne Hoffpauir


SeanBob :us: (BOB member since 2004-05-03)