Hello all! The problem I’m having is that I need to compare revenue values for 2 different date ranges within the same report. For instance, the user would select a date range with a begin date and an end date within a prompt, then select a second date range with a begin date and end date within the prompt. The report would show a list of customers with a revenue value for date range 1 and a revenue value date range 2 in seperate columns. Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks for your help.
This does work. Thanks for the advice. The problem that I’m having with this though is comparing value 1 date range with value 2 date range where value 1 is undefined. For instance, the user wants to know which customers have revenue for a period where revenue didn’t exist in a prior period. There are no null values so I have no way to compare these 2.
You would have to use something like a MINUS query to determine if there are sales for one period and not the other. Of course… you can always build measure objects that calculate out on Current Period and Current Period - 1 and compare the two. (You could even pull the Previous Period into the conditions and check to see if the SUM = 0) and have your having clause built for you.