Hi All,
I have a report in which, need to validate the report with the database values. For eg. if we have the Total No of Applications value is 50 in the report that should be equal to the Total No of Applications at the Databse level, where the source data comes. Then only report has to build otherwise it has to generate an error message like “Invalid no of Applications”.
I would really appreciate your help in this case. Thanks in advance.
Your report is supposed to be a reflection of your database. I suppose you could write 2 data providers that 1 that you use for the report and 1 that you use just to justify the total. You could then compare the values and issue use and alerter or formula.
To be honest, these doesn’t really make sense. By properly building a universe, you guarantee that the report matches the database.
Also, I am moving this post to the Reporter forum.
Thanks Steve.
But I’m working on 2 Databases. One is the Source db another is Warehouse DB, So here I need to cross check the report values with the Source DB values, whether the report data is refreshed or not.
OK. You didn’t mention the 2 databases the first time.
You just have to build a universe against the source and another against the warehouse.
You can then build dataproviders against both that bring back the data you want. If you properly link the data providers, you can then compare the measures (using if then else) and then display what you need.
One of the beauties of Business Objects is the ability to bring data together from multiple sources.
For this you have to create two DP one from Source DB and one from WH DB.
Now question is that you want to show alert when both DB result differ result and you show this message “Invalid no of Applications”
if you want show some message window then use VB script or if you want to show/hide the report then use tables to show/hide in table one show the report in other one show the message and hide the table one whe 50<>50 otherwise show the table one and hide other.
Hi Steve,
I could not find the solution for the above query but I understand the functionality please help me out with an example.How to compare the both dataproviders and raise an alert.
Thanks in advance.
Create a Dataprovider against your warehouse (call it dpWarehouse) Create a Dataprovider against your source (call it dpSource) Link the two dataproviders with common keys using Data >> View Data (the cube) Then in your report you should be able to setup a formula something like:
=IF <TotalNoApps(dpWarehouse)> <> <TotalNoApps(dpSource)> THEN “Invalid no of Applications” ELSE “”