I have been trying to use an Excel file in one of my BO reports. But I hit the following problem when I attempt to do this:
In Access personal data I Specify the name of the file I want to access and then click on the open buttom whereupon I get the following error message: Incorrect version of the DLL file ‘MSJET35.DLL’ was found (3445).
Is this DLL something that comes with BO and which needs reinstalling?
If I change this DLL can it affect other programs running on my PC?
How do I know which is the correct version of this DLL?
I use BO version 5.1.2 at the moment but am shortly expecting the upgrade to version 6, will the version change help with this?
I tried this and it doesn’t work. Yes it is the only conectivity problem I have with BO everything else works fime it is just when I try to use personal data files.
Hi, I use Windows 2000 Proffesional and Excel 2000, and I checked it was not saved as an Excel 97 file. The link you gave talks about Office 97 I didn’t want to download that stuff as I am Office 2000.
Let’s be clear. The file format for Excel has not changed since Excel 97. Excel 97, 2000, 2002/XP, and 2003 all use the same file format. Yes, the software has additional features, but the file format is unchanged. As far as using an Excel workbook as a personal data provider, I don’t think the Excel version is your issue.
Any chance that the path / filename to the Excel file is REALLY long? We’ve had several (different) errors crop up (mostly exporting), and moving the Excel file so that the path / filename is shorter solved the problem. Sounds silly I know, but it’s worth a try.