One of the casual users cant send documents to other users. I dont get any error messages or anything and it says “document sent successfully”, but the person it is send to never gets it in the inbox.
I have given the user previlege to “Send documents to users in the same and Other groups” and previleges are deined for other users the same way and it is working fine for other users. I dont know what else could be missing which is causing it not to work. By the way i’m on 6.1.a.
Thanks for your replies Jai and Steve.
I made sure that I am sending the document to the same domain and I also ran a scan/repair/compact on the security domain.
Still the problem persists. I applied the same settings to other users and it seems to be working fine.
When I create a new user with the same previleges, it works.
I filed a case with BO tech support and the lady I got had no clue what I was talking about, as if I was talking in chinese
She was supposed to do a research on it and get back with me…never did though.
Help please! We are having the same issue here. Users who belong to 2 different groups are unable to send documents to each other. However, the moment we move them to be in the exact same group, they send and recieve documents. The “Send documents to users in other groups” is enabled along with the “Send documents to users in the same group”. What Supervisor setting are we missing?
I am now encountering the exact same problem. Users cannot send documents to users in another group, when they do send they get success message. As General Supervisor I can send a document to a user successfully
Was there any update re this issue ? Has it been recognised as a bug of 6.1a ?
JSanthanam I apologize that I never saw your post . I don’t know how I missed it. Anyways, I think it was either the version or giving the user “Manage Email Publications” right under the Publications folder.
Thanks for the response, since sending I have found a solution in a similar discussion on this site. Issue for me was that on the Business Objects side View all Users had been hidden. When I enabled this problem was solved.