Upgrade 6.1a to 6.1b question

Hi guys,

I did an upgrade from 6.1a to 6.1b because of the instability with 6.1a webi. I upgraded the server only and everything went smoothly.
My QUestion is

Is it necessary to upgrade the full clinet machines to 6.1b as well? What are the disadvantages if I keep 6.1a on full client machines? (I noticed it launches 6.1a if I use ZABO)
The reason I’m reluctant to upgrade the full clinet machines now is in 40-50 days 6.5 would come out publicly and I’d have to do it again then.

Thanks for your help and suggestions.


Kashif Saeed :pakistan: (BOB member since 2004-06-02)

Doesn’t really matter. 6.1b really fixed things at the server level. iF you’re not having problems with 6.1a on the client, then leave it alone.

I’m surprised that ZABO is working. I would have thought it forced a 6.1b upgrade.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Thanks for your reply Steve. Yes it was strange that ZABO worked. But as long as its working I dont mind which version it uses :wink:

Thanks again for your reply.


Kashif Saeed :pakistan: (BOB member since 2004-06-02)