BusinessObjects Board

Universe Parameters: Connection dropdown list

I recently took a support position for our BO 6.5 deployment. Unfortunately the previous support guy took all his knowledge with him and we are somewhat in the dark until we can complete some training classes. There was an issue raised recently from the Designer population regarding connection visibility. They were concerned about the ability for designers to see connections that did not belong to them, so we modified the Designer profile setting “View all Secured Connections” to disabled. We confirmed that the users that had the Designer role could all see the connections they should and considered the matter closed.

There are two Universes that a particular user has the Designer role for. One of these Universes is the Test version of the other and each has its own connection - I’ll call the Universed UProd and UTest. Prior to the security change mentioned above, when the user imported one of the Universes he could change the Connection parameter of the local copy of the Universe to use either the Prod or Test connection - very helpful for testing changes in Test against Prod data. Now he only sees the one connection in the dropdown that was already associated with the universe. I changed his specific profile back to the previous ‘view all connections’ setting and it still did not change the issue.

Cut to the chase question
Can you please help me determine what I need to change to make additional connections appear in the connection parameter dropdown for an imported Universe? You can see the attached image for reference.

Christopher.Smith (BOB member since 2007-06-07)

Is it possible he exists in more than one group? If so, then I suspect that his rights to connections are being granted on a “Most Restrictive Basis”. That is, if a feature is revoked from the user in one place, it’s gone everywhere.

See How are Rights Granted if a user is in Multiple Groups? from our Supervisor FAQ.

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)