This may sound a daft question, but if you were asked to perform a health check on a BO Universe, what would be the main areas to cover and what analysis would you carry out. This relates to BOBs over an Oracle database.
Also check whether your joins are correct. You might need outer joins at some places in your universe.
That was a major thing came up during our univ healthcheck.
Or you might need Self joins at some places.
I might add that performance should be a consideration – and whether a review of the universe might point to the need to create summary / reporting tables to use in the universe instead (or in addition, for aggregate-awareness).
Another consideration might be how security is implemented.
In addition to all these excellent comments, I’d also check that the LOVs are properly defined. Example: No LOVs on measure objects, on date objects, etc. Ensure that the LOVs for large fact tables pointed instead to smaller dimension tables or other lookup tables.
LOVs can have an amazing impact on the end user experience.
Another thing to be positive about - do you want date objects to return date or date/time items. There could be query problems if you input a date and it doesn’t compare e.g. using TRUNC in Oracle
Also ask your users! They aren’t going to come up with isolated joins or chasm traps but they might say “I can never find the Account Number object” or “Which Account Number object should I use” or “I can’t combine the Account Number object with any objects in the xxx class”…etcetc
Thanks for all the responses to date. I guess the underlying issue is that your universe can only ever be as good as your database. Most of the postings I’ve seen in this forum seem to indicate that the universe designers also have a hand in the database design. My worry is that I have to report on the integrity of a universe and whether it is up to the task in hand. As I will have no control or even any insight into the database, I feel I have to put a caveat on any feedback I give relating to the quality of the database.
Apparently, the database makes extensive use of views and if they are badly written, the Bobs queries will always run like a dog (though I’ve never really understood that saying!!).