I’ve exported my universe in 61b. The universe shows up in the repository with the correct date and timestamp information but not in universe list in Webi. I’ve logged in and out. I restarted the Webi server. I rebooted the server…
I’ve also run the scan, repair, and compact.
Everything was working fine and now it just seems really flakey!
Like I said, it was working. Over the last couple of days I had a problem when somebody made a change to the security tables. They supposedly fixed everything and I’m not receiving an error. It got to the point where it seemed like I had to add an object to be able to force it to export. Now it won’t export no matter what!
If I look at the repository, it looks fine. It’s just not coming in to Webi.
Hi just wanted to say thanks to Eileen and Steve for this solution it has worked for me too and I am on v6.1a (plus Hotfix).
I had only.unv and .unw files (I deleted both).
I tested by renaming the files eg. unvname.unv to unvname0.unv this forced the universe list to update but of course the blank ones were still on my universe list.
Just want to add the path to look in as wasn’t initially sure:-
For *.unv files in:
C:\program files\business objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 6\nodes\bmsbiapp\mycluster\universes\UniverseCat1
For *.unw files in:
C:\program files\business objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 6\nodes\bmsbiapp\mycluster\universes\UniverseCat1\ucdz
I have experienced this same issue, and also found that the only way to gain access to the new Universe with changes is to delete the copies on the server.
Being that this is not always feasible (and that most times, BO services have to be stopped to delete these copies), has anyone else come up with any alternatives to this to get the Universe to display in WebI?