Universe & DB related Questions

How do you capture error messages from the DB and show them in B.O.?
Can we put the error handler in the Universe so all reports “inherit” it and not in each report? Any examples?

sotellmewhy (BOB member since 2002-11-06)

When ever a DB error occurs BO displays it in the Message Box(Error : DA0004 i think).

When you click on Detail Button then you see the exact detailed DB message and number.

What exactly you are trying to acheive?

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

Basically, when we turn on TDQM (the Teradata utility that kills large invalid queries), we want users to see a friendly message if their query is killed. Teradata kicks out a DB error so I wanted to know how BO picks it up and how we can override the default message that probably wont help a busy customer and replace it with one of our own

sotellmewhy (BOB member since 2002-11-06)