I am trying to schedule the report through the INFOVIEW.But It shows SYNTAX ERROR in a particular column.In the particular column, I generated userobjects.The userobjects are unable to see in the universe.
I am trying to create the userobject.I know the missing userobjects.but My desktop intelligence wont allow me to create the user object.I just clicked on the user object but nothing happening.
I’ll all but guarantee that you have a zero-byte .udo file in your Universe folder that is causing this. Delete the file and you should be able to create UDOs.
This happens if you hit the UDO button in the Query Panel but don’t actually create a UDO. It has been a problem in BO for as long as I’ve been working with it.
You don’t need access to the universe. The UDOs are in:
C:\Documents and Settings<your ID>\Application Data\Business Objects\Business Objects 11.5\Universes