Two versions - difference in totals in free-hand SQL report

My company uses two versions of BO, 5.1.3 for most of the user population and I’m using 5.1.4. I’ve created a free-hand SQL report that has two linked data providers, that has a break on Product and has sub-totals on order quantity and backorder quantity. All of the data is the same in both versions, except for the final total for ordered quantity. In 5.1.4, I get the correct amount. In 5.1.3, I get a total that is about 10x the total in 5.1.4.

Anyone have any ideas on why the total in 5.1.3 is higher than the one in 5.1.4?

Any help is appreciated.

philsgold (BOB member since 2004-08-03)

My suspicion is that the data provider linking is somehow “breaking” under 5.1.3 … sounds like a resulting cartesian product.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

Could it be related to changes in the Reporter calculation engine? Do you have filters? Are you using MultiCube for your measures?

See also this topic.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Hi and Welcome to B :mrgreen: B

Business Objects updated their calculation engine between v5.1.3 and v5.1.4 … This impacts summing, especially in crosstab reports.

There’s a pretty good white paper on the tech support site that goes into much more detail … Look under 5i Product >> Important notices … or click below after logging into the support site.

Chris Pohl :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-18)

After I posted my ‘cry for help’ I tried the MultiCube function on the 5.1.3 version and it worked. Thank you all for your replies.

philsgold (BOB member since 2004-08-03)