I was recently asked by our director of operations if it was possible to track the number of exported changes made to universe in a set time period. After looking at a the repository tables, as well as some of the Auditor created views I was unable create a query to extract such information.
The closet I came was linking the unv_audit.audit_id (which I presume is the internal version number) and link it back to the unv_universe table using universe_id as the relating column. However this does not give me the date of the change.
I was wondering if any of you BOB experts have any information, such as a script you have used in the past to liberate this type of information or if it is even a possibility.
there is a version number on UNV_UNIVERSE table.
I think it tracks Designer export but that doesn’t mean a whole lot. I might export twice in a row because of that old partial import bugaboo from v5; or forget and export a second or third time; or do it because I wasn’t sure of a recent change; or only be changing the connection to test to try something with a user.
But then your target for this is management so who cares if it is a true picture; up the count and make it look like you work real hard all the time . . .
Scott mentioned use of column in the unv_universe table to get the number of revisions to the database. This will give you some idea about the number of exports made. But if you really want to track the changes then you need to use Product like version Manager or need to tag every universe change with a unique number.
As an FYI, some of the 3rd party tools, do keep track of this. Quality Manager and Version Manager come to mind. You can do a search on BOB for information on these.
The last time I did any serious investigation on this issue, I discovered that the UNV_AUDIT table does contain audit information such as what was done to the universe. It tracks things like objects that are moved, updated, inserted objects (I think, anyway) and so on.
However, it only retains the information from the last export.
So imagine you work on a universe and make, for example, 30 changes. You export the universe. There should be 30 rows in the UNV_AUDIT table. Now you go back and make one final change that you forgot, and export. Now there is only one row in the UNV_AUDIT table for that universe.
What I considered doing was placing a trigger on that table (a post insert trigger) that would copy the data into a UNV_AUDIT_LOG table with a date/time stamp. That way I would have a complete history of audit changes, and the date/time associated with the export that included those changes.
At that time I got busy with something else and never completed the project, so I don’t know if it is even possible. But it might be worth investigation.
Thanks for the feedback, I figured it was pretty much a long shot just looking at the table configuration and the information they had stored. To your point Steve I did look into QM at the beginning of this year however the budget may not be here for it until 05. And Dave, that is a great idea but please remember “Business Object does not support any direct manipulation to the repository” . Not to mention I’m not that much of a SQL guru to create such a mechanism (however I’m sure I could find help somewhere in the org).