Thoughts/half-findings Oracle Net8, SQL*Net 2.3 and BO 4.1

We had some fun with this recently.

Firstly, you get yourself into this knot when you have applications in production which are currently running on SQL*Net 2.3 software and are not ready (perhaps not tested) to move to Net8 (which is what you are introducing and testing/playing with in test environment) - familiar?

Secondly, I had no problem running SQL*Net 2.3 whatsoever with Oracle 8.0.3 client and BO v.4.1 but if you move to Oracle 8.0.4 then you’ll need BO v.4.1.1 or more.

Third, there was a group message a couple of weeks ago which suggested either moving to Net8 everywhere or reinstall SQLNet 2.3 after installing Oracle 8.0.4 client Net8 stuff. I tried the SQLnet 2.3 reinstall route and had no joy.

Fourthly, we have the following env and I found the following:

Production Environment

OLTP DB Oracle 7.3 DB
Data warehouse Oracle 8.0.4
Oracle 7 client (including SQLNet 2.3)
BO security, universe and doc domains in the data warehouse DB Ora 8.0.4 BOMain.key connect string to BO sec, univ, doc domain using SQL

Test environment

OLTP DB Oracle 8.0.4 DB
Data warehouse Oracle 8.0.4
Oracle 7 client (including SQL*Net 2.3)
Oracle 8 client (including Net8)
shared the same BO repository (sec, univ, doc domain) as live

In the test environment, with a BOMain.key connect string using: 1. SQL*Net 2.3 (as in the production) - you get “Invalid login” 2. Net8 - you can query the security domain but when you go to retrieve anything from the universe or document domains, you get either “could not reach universe” or “Cannot run V6 sql against an Oracle 8 server” (or something close to this).

So what have I done?

In production - I let things the way they were. In test - I created a new BO repository identical to the production one using Net8 and then changed the connect strings to the document and universe domains to equivalent Net8 connections. In fact I then changed all the connect strings associated with all the available universes to be Net8. I wondered whether these connect string changes would break the production setup (because I was sharing the doc and universe domains). It didn’t. Must mean that all the connect strings are stored in the security domain - yes?

This week, we are rolling out Oracle 8.0.4 client to production (still to remain Oracle 7.3 for the moment cos of other problem with Oracle 8.0.4) so it’ll get cleaner.

Hope these thoughts help.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)