available." error
If you can try getting into the universe that is getting the error in Designer on the same machine that is getting the error in Reporter, Designer will give you more details about the error. I had one person with this error and it turned out to be a middleware problem.
Lynne A. Fee
Lead Programmer/Analyst General American Life Insurance lfee@genam.com www.genam.com
Hamid Chefchaouni hchefcha@RICHTER.NET on 01/12/2000 04:28:28 PM
Please respond to Business Objects Query Tool BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM
Hi all,
I keep having this error “The connection necessary to refresh document is not available.” when I try to refresh a report, - I’ve created another valid connection for the universe, - I’ve scanned the repository for any corruption…, the scan was successful.
- The connection is secured, and when I tested it within Supervisor module, I got the message “The server is responding”. I don’t know what else to do, any help will be appreciated Thanks
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)