Supervisor Optimization issue - II

There’s an update.

It appears that the problem of slowness in Designer relates to the type of join strategy that we chose. If we chose none, it works at the speed of light but our problem still remains when we ask Designer to check for loops and other fun stuff…

Because of what I understand of Designer, it would make sense that it takes time to establish the joins as Designer has to scan table after table to setup the proper relationship but still…

That does not give me any ideas on how Supervisor works. It should not be using any joins strategy so what else? It seems that everything points to the database after all.

I welcome any help, comments or suggestions. In English or even French. :slight_smile:



Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I know this doesn’t relate to joins but… I use my own structure strategy when going against Teradata because of performance. Try adding this strategy to STTERAEN.TXT.

A couple notes. This is pretty rough. Note how it converts all columns to C (Character). Perhaps someone more familiar with Teradata can modify the SQL. Also, you should change the WHERE clause to include your DatabaseName.

NAME= Kumar’s Teradata Strategy

‘DBNAME’, ‘|’,
trim(ucase(DatabaseName)), ‘|’,
trim(ucase(TableName)), ‘|’,
trim(ColumnName), ‘|’,
‘C’, ‘|’,
‘’, ‘|’
DatabaseName IN (‘DB1’, ‘DB2’)

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)