BusinessObjects Board

Summing a measure

I’m new to web intelligence and am having an issue with summing a measure. I am working through invoices that have a term and reporting year associated with it. When placing the term and invoice total on the report the sum of the totals appear correct by term but if I drag the reporting year and invoice totals onto the report it gives the same amount for all the reporting years. This amount ends up being a sum off all of the invoices. Any help will be appreciated.

zham (BOB member since 2015-09-01)

Yours is a classic fan trap situation. Please try to find the tables in your universe which are involved with this measure. You may need to Alias one of the table and create a context in universe to resolve this.

americanmc :hong_kong: (BOB member since 2009-12-31)

Agreed, sharing a topic on fan trap, just in case if you have no idea about traps.

Prashant Purohit :india: (BOB member since 2009-02-18)

Thanks. I finally saw that it was left out of a context this afternoon.

zham (BOB member since 2015-09-01)

Ok but generally if you miss out some join in context, error is thrown but anyways you got it working, all the best!!!

Prashant Purohit :india: (BOB member since 2009-02-18)

Not necessarily. The join could belong to 2 contexts when it should belong to 3