Strange WebI document editing behavior


One of our users is experiencing a strange WebI behaviour. He creates a crosstab query, runs it (the data comes back fine), and goes back by clicking Edit. At this point all his objects have been moved, and some have disappeared. None of the other users have ever had a similar problem.

We are using WebI 2.5.1, Full Java applet.

Any comments are greatly appreciated.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Can YOU duplicate the behavior?

Have you checked his version of the Java VM, have you checked his refresh options, run scandisk, etc?

And are you running under IE or netscape…?

Just curious,


One of our users is experiencing a strange WebI behaviour. He creates a
crosstab query, runs it (the data comes back fine), and goes back by clicking Edit. At this point all his objects have been moved, and some have
disappeared. None of the other users have ever had a similar problem.

We are using WebI 2.5.1, Full Java applet.

Any comments are greatly appreciated.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


No, I can’t reproduce it. He is running IE. I am curious if it’s a bug with WebI and if you (any of you) have seen it before.

Can YOU duplicate the behavior?

Have you checked his version of the Java VM, have you checked his refresh options, run scandisk, etc?

And are you running under IE or netscape…?

Just curious,

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

One more thought, olga… have you tried to refresh the applet? Eg, go into windows\downloaded programs and select the webi applet, right click, refresh?

Maybe his copy is damaged - I have seen odd behaviour from that…


clicking Edit. At this point all his objects have been moved,
and some have
disappeared. None of the other users have ever had a similar problem.

We are using WebI 2.5.1, Full Java applet. <<

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Oh, that’s a good idea - I’ll check.

Thanks Brent.

have you tried to refresh
the applet?

Maybe his copy is damaged - I have seen odd behaviour from that…

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)