Stored Procedure.

Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 18:40:14 +0200

| I am using several stored procedures for the reports. It |makes too slow
|to run the report. Is there anyother way to avoid using |stored procedures
|and improving the performance. Any of you using stored |procedures??? Does
|it make slow down the report??? Any suggestions would be |appreciated.

Hmmm… I’m just thinking of using stored procedure to improve the performance (now we use stored functions and that makes the report very slow, as every function call is, in fact, a subquery). As it is usual with Oracle, the correct answer is “It depends”… It depends on how your procedure is written, on what indexes you have, maybe also on something else.

Ryszard Mikke

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)