SQL statement


I need to create an object that returns the last Change date on an individual record. ( The record can be in any state and each time a change is made, the date is recorded)

I have attached this SQL on my object : Last Change Date

dbo.CVStateHistory.ChangeDate = (Select max(convert(datetime,convert(varchar,dbo.CVStateHistory.ChangeDate,103),103)) from dbo.CVStateHistory WHERE (dbo.CVStateHistory.CVNumber = dboCV.CVNumber) )

I get the error which says : Parse Failed:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] The column prefix “dbo.CVStates_History” does not match with a table name or alias name that is used in the query.

I trully appreciate your assistance.


Thabileg (BOB member since 2003-11-04)


This topic sounds like what you need.
