BusinessObjects Board

Sorting universes into folders; print overview

Due to user rights management we have to sort one univese into different folders; if we update this universe we have to export it into all different folders.

If we have more universes which we have to sort into different folders we might lose overview… :blue:

Is there a better way to do this? Is it possible to get a better overview which universe is stored in which folder?


SFL (BOB member since 2007-06-15)


Why didn’t you manage this using only one universe and play with rights on it?


We are working with folders… maybe we have to reconsider our structure… :yesnod:

Is it possible to get a list that shows which universe is stored in which folder?

SFL (BOB member since 2007-06-15)

yep using the query builder I suppose…


I have some problems using Query Builder… In “Building a Query Statement Step-by-Step” → "1. Choose selection criteria. " I enter Name equals OurUniverse, Query Builder generates “SELECT * FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE SI_NAME = ‘OurUniverse’” and returns 0 results :?:

I can see “OurUniverse” in the CMC, I can import it… :?:

SFL (BOB member since 2007-06-15)

I can not really help with the sort or overview feature.

If you used a 3rd party tool like Version Manager you could assign every universe/document to one or multiple folders. When ever you publish the document VM takes care of all the work and updates all the copies in the specified folders.
You may even define some of these folders is a way where the users could have different versions if that is ever a requirement.

ClaireB :de: (BOB member since 2002-08-09)


You should refer ci_appobjects instead of ci_infoobjects. Query should be like:

select * from ci_appobjects where si_name = ‘MyUniverse’

And then look for SI_PATH property, which will tell you the location of that Universe on FS.

Hope it helps !


BO_Bond :india: (BOB member since 2007-10-22)

BO_Bond, thanks :smiley:

Is it possible to get the name of the folder (of the CMC) where the universe is stored?

Could I get a list of all universes without having to input their name?

SFL (BOB member since 2007-06-15)

No you need to run multiple queries or use sdk or use third party tools.


Do you know any third party tool to accomplish this.


pushkar :india: (BOB member since 2006-03-10)

I don’t think you need any tool to get just the names. Following query will do that work for you:

select * from ci_appobjects where si_kind = ‘Universe’

Do mention if you need any other help in this (this is one of my fav. topics)

BO_Bond :india: (BOB member since 2007-10-22)

Great! Is it possible to get the name of the folder (in the CMC, not in the FileStore) where the universe is stored?

SFL (BOB member since 2007-06-15)

You can get the CMC folder by SI_Parent_Folder property.

Logically the query to get all folder names for all Universes should be:

Select si_Name From ci_appobjects
Where si_id in (Select SI_PARENT_FOLDER from ci_appobjects where si_kind = ‘Universe’)

But as you can’t run this query, you need to write some lines.
I am not sure where you wish to write this code, but it is achievable using both VBA and SDK.

Here is logical flow for you:

SI_Parent_Folders = Result of “Select SI_PARENT_FOLDER from ci_appobjects where si_kind = ‘Universe’”

Folder_IDs in SI_Parent_Folders

Unv Folder_Name = Result of "Select si_Name From ci_appobjects Where si_id = <Folder_IDs>"

End Loop

Try to understand the logical query - hope you will get your answer.


BO_Bond :india: (BOB member since 2007-10-22)

It would be enough to write a short SQL in the Query Builder to see how many universes are in the repository and in which folders in the CMC they are stored.

I tried the SQL above, it returned 0 results although there are some universes in our repository…

Where can I get an overview, a list or summary of all these ci_, si_ types?

SFL (BOB member since 2007-06-15)

As I mentioned in my last post - it is just a “Logical” query - you won’t get any result in Query Builder for this. It was just to help you understand.

Options available to you are:

  • either you write code
  • execute inner query and gather all SI_PARENT_FOLDER for all Universes and then run second query (main) to fetch Fold names with In condition (like …where si_id in (22620, 22621,…)

You may like this topic :

BO_Bond :india: (BOB member since 2007-10-22)

Thanks for your help and the URL you posted!

I still have a question… first, I enter this SQL:

I get my universes and see their, e.g., SI_PARENT_FOLDER ID. Now I am interested in which folder they are stored - I need the name of the folder:

0 results :shock: :?:

SFL (BOB member since 2007-06-15)

The second query looks alright; I got the expected result from it.
But this won’t get you the folder name. Try this:

WHERE SI_KIND = 'Folder' AND SI_ID=321

Although I’d rather do it this way:


WHERE SI_KIND='Universe' AND SI_NAME = 'MyUniverse'



You can probably get the whole tree from the column SI_PATH, but who really needs that ? :slight_smile:

Hope this helps …


kuby (BOB member since 2007-05-24)