We have an existing implementation of BO 5.x using WebI version 2.7.0. (on AIX with Apache and Tomcat)
Our SSO solution required only modifications to the retry.jsp file and except for some extra error case handling, it was as simple as creating and using a Bean and performing one function call and tracking the returned true/false together with the regular log on process.
We installed BO e6.1b and the upgrade works great on our test server, but now we have to (re) implement SSO. The examples I have seen here all seem to be for LDAP or other integrated/complicated solution.
Is there such a thing as a sample retry.jsp floating around that has this in it showgin where to place the validation code?
(where in the default 2.7.0 code only the webiSession was tested)
The structure of retry.jsp has changed (lots) but I don’t think the object model has.
I think that the code I am looking for is…
if( bSessionOK )
application.getRequestDispatcher("/scripts/login/login.jsp").forward(request, response);
Have another look - althought the LDAP type solutions seem to be overly complicated - there is also a simple NTLM authentication method supported similar to the old .dll swapping method supported by V5.
This required Hotfix 228 which is available on request from your support guy.
A tangential question, since we’ve been having a hard time getting a stable 6.1b AIX environment – are you using ZABO at all? Or just WebI? We’re having problems getting ZABO going…
Look at login.jsp (or login.asp). There are several comments in there for integrating with an SSO solution like Siteminder. That’s what we use. I followed the comments to modify the code and it all worked well.
I did NOT use the LDAP config tool. When I did, it updated the repository with my authentication method which caused problems for the full client users. Hotfix 228 can help with that though.
login.jsp is where I have placed my SSO code. I have isolated the problem though to an URL path issue.
I am working though a portal and somehow the “current directory” is getting off track. Once I get logged in, none of the graphics appear (the relative URL to the location of the graphics is wrong) and all the links are broken (also pointing at wrong relative directories).
If I manually correct one of the URLs and type it in the address field and go there, then everything works correctly - all graphics appear and all links now work.
Our setup is that there is a Tomcat server (our portal) that redirects requests based on application name. There is a fake name assigned to our application “/abc” and all requests for pages under that applicaiton get redirected to our application server (also Tomcat). In our 2.7.0 implementation it works great - but all scripts are in one directory in that version.
I have one configuration thing I want to try on the portal server, but if that doesn’t work, then I am still stuck.