Show sum of a column in Cell

I have a Tabular report. One column (variable) is named:

=<Cardboard Content>

which is calculated as:

=Sum(((<Shipped Quantity> ForEach <Part No.>)* ToNumber(<EV Cardboard G>))/1000)

When I display the SUM of , it displays fine at bottom of report (by clicking the Sigma sign).

If I copy and paste the formula

 =Sum(<Cardboard Content>)

in a cell, I get COMPUTATION error (without ForEach ) or #!ERR (with the abovve shown formuls)

How can I display the sum in a cell?

The formula works fine for sum() which is a database object.


chiragk :us: (BOB member since 2003-10-22)

#Computation is displayed as BO cannot work out which context to define the formula in…

The simplest way to resolve this is: when the formula is in the body of the table and working correctly, click the define as variable button.
here you will have the option to “define it in context” you will see that this option normally adds an In clause to the end of the formula…
ie. In (, ) etc etc

this should do the trick

Reporter Bloke :uk: (BOB member since 2004-05-20)

#Computation is displayed when you reference a dimension that is not available. The only time you can reference a dimension object that is not present is if you use the Input context. Any dimensions that appear in the Output context must appear in the same block as the variable you are trying to create.

Some options… figure out a way to redo your formula so that it doesn’t require the output context, build the report using a section so that the dimension values are present and available for your formual, or build a block with all of the dimensions objects in it and then use the fold option.

Or try what Reporter Block has suggested to see what the context is for the value currently. But keep in mind that if you use the IN context operator, the dimensions used in the output context have to appear in the same block.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)