Shared Storage Configuration


We want to point two WIN2K clusters to a file server for shared storage and running E6.1B. I changed where the storage points to in cluster preferences in the config tool. In the preferences, there is “Storage Directory” and “Document Directory”. I pointed “Storage Directory” to a share on the file server. What about “Document Directory”? Should this be pointed as well to the file server and what is it used for?


efronc (BOB member since 2003-01-29)

I wouldn’t point the document directory to shared storage. The document directory, is really the cache and is better suited to be on the server.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Thanks Steve!

efronc (BOB member since 2003-01-29)

On a related topic, we were using “Shared Storage” in WebI5.1.7. Since then, we upgraded one of the 2 Cluster Managers to 6.1.B and has not yet been configured to use “Shared Storage”. Soon, we need to do this and upgrade our old server to WebI6.1.B. From what I understand, the “Shared Storage” is an option that needs to be done in the configuration tool, correct?

Also, we are going from Windows Authentication from “NT Challenge/Response” to “Business Objects Standard” to allow userid’s to be meaningful names as opposed to peoplesoft id’s numbers. How do we migrate the user’s personal documents from the old to the new server? Thanks in advance.

JSanthanam :india: (BOB member since 2003-12-17)