I am new to Java programming, please help.
I am trying to automate the scheduling of BO reports through a Java program running on Solaris server that fetches the report from Corporate Documents, populates the prompts and submits to BCA after setting the scheduling options. I got a lot of useful code from this forum and was able to get my program to perform all tasks… almost.
For some reason, BCA doesnt set the schedule property for Start Time of report and the reports always start instantly. Here is a piece of code that I am using to set the Scheduling properties and trying to start the reports 10 minutes after sysdate :
//***********Problem code Start
//Set Scheduling options
What is it seting the start time to. Not familiar with the java sdk but in the vb sdk, if you don’t set the time correctly in your code, the bca will assume 12am and thusly run the report right away if start date is today.
The start time is in BCA console is displayed as current time and so the report starts right away. In the code I am setting the start time to be 10 minutes from now, but it gets ignored. I even tried changing the day but BCA always starts the report immediately.
//*********Problem code End
Not to familiar with the java object model but first thing that jumps out at me is you are setting parameters for webiOnce and then sending webiDoc. Probalbly as much insight as I can give. If that helps at all.
I am also trying to schedule a document with prompts using java SDK, but it is not scheduling the document. I get the following exception
WebIntelligence SDK / JSP Exception — Number :10451 — javaError : Internal W
I ErrCode=2 — Description : Error scheduling document WebIntelligence SDK / JSP Exception — Number :10451
— javaError : Internal WI ErrCode=2 — Description : Error scheduling docume
at com.sabre.apd.mda.common.ReportGenerator.scheduleReport(ReportGenerat
at com.sabre.apd.mda.common.ReportGenerator.getReport(ReportGenerator.ja