Server error while retrieving list of values


We have a bunch of reports based on an access-database. The problem is that since we switched to SAP (and made some adjustments in the database), all reports that have a selection screen to filter data give this error:
A server error occured while retrieving a list of values (Error: INF -2147220774)

But is there a way to find out what exactly is causing this? For example opening the report in “design modus”?

Thanks in advance

flaviooooo (BOB member since 2004-01-22)

When switching RDBMS, I generally delete the unv & lov files from the server, then refresh all the lov’s in Designer before exporting. Not sure if this will help, but at least u’ll catch any sql problems in the instance of lov editing and you will also have the latest lov files on the server when the 1st login pulls them down …

MikeD :south_africa: (BOB member since 2002-06-18)

Hi, I was wondering if you found out why you are getting the server error on your lov’s? I’m getting this error message too. Thanks.

jrfreeman (BOB member since 2004-04-15)

Our problem was that the password of the user that is used to logon and run the BO service WebIntelligence had changed. We then got the strange error about the LOV, since the connection between the BO Server and Webintelligence couldn’t be made anymore.

When I changed the password in the administrative tools, in the log on-section, everything worked fine again :slight_smile:

I hope this helps

flaviooooo (BOB member since 2004-01-22)