Sending e-mail from DAS

Does anyone have a script to send e-mails through DAS? We have a script that runs various reports using different parameters and saves them in html format. After the reports are generated we need to send them to external customers automatically. List of users is stored in a table. Any idea how this can be accomplished?


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)



See the attached script that I use to check every morning if the DAS is running. It simply refreshes a small doc and sends me an email upon completion. Hope this can give you ideas


Does anyone have a script to send e-mails through DAS? We have a script that runs various reports using different parameters and saves them in html format. After the reports are generated we need to send them to external customers automatically. List of users is stored in a table. Any idea how this can be accomplished?


Sub SendMail (strSubj as String,strMsg as String)
Dim OlkApp as Object 'Outlook.Application Dim NewMail as Object 'MailItem
Set OlkApp = CreateObject(“Outlook.Application”) Set NewMail = OlkApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) With NewMail
.To = “
.Subject = strSubj
.Body = strMsg
.Importance = 2
End With
End Sub

Sub Main
dim strMsg as String
dim strSubj as String
dim doc as BODocument

on Error resume next

set doc = ActiveDocument
if Err then
strSubj = “DAS Error”
strMsg = "DAS status : Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ else
strSubj = “DAS OK”
strMsg = “DAS status : OK”
end if
Call SendMail(strSubj,strMsg)
End Sub


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Does your script send a report to DAS, run and send the results back to Business Objects Users?

If so, will you please send me a copy of it. I am having trouble with a script running successfully.


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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)