Save and Distribute Tools/Options for all users in Busines

Objects 4.1.3

Is there a way to NOT automatically display the “New Report Wizard” every time a user logs in to Business Objects module? I understand this setting is in Tools/Option of the Business Objects module, but is there a way I can do this globally for all users, so they wouldn’t have to do it or know about them?

I don’t even mind if I have to do a one time deal setting for each and every 100+ users from my PC and distribute a file to all users, is there such a thing? I thought the settings would be stored in objects.lsi, but the only thing it stored was the users’ id and not the OPTION’s settings…

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks,


Business Objects 4.1.3

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

bjects 4.1.3


to "NOT automatically display the “New Report Wizard” every

time a user logs in to Business Objects module" you can change one entry in the registry.
The only problem is, that the USERID appears in the registry branch, so there has to be
a single script for every user.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BusinessObjects\USERID User Prefs\busobj\Options\General]

(dword:00000001 will enable the wizard again) Copy these lines to a text file with a .reg suffix and the user just have to doubleclick it.

Hope that helps,


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

bjects 4.1.3


There’s no easy, universal way to do this. The option to be greeted by the New Report Wizard at login is, as you noted, controlled in the user’s Tools - Options window. This option is not stored in the Security repository, so there is nothing you can do from Supervisor to handle this.

The option is stored to the user’s Windows Registry, in the ShowWelcomeWizard value in the My Computer \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ BusinessObjects \ User Prefs \ busobj \ Options \ General key (folder), where is the user’s BusinessObjects account name. (BusObj stores the preferences for each user of the PC separately.) Because the user’s name is embedded in the key name, it would be difficult to come up with a solution that manipulated the registry directly.

You may be able to write a ReportScript that each user would have to run. I wrote a one-line script:

sub main

This script toggles the ShowWelcomeWizard option on and off. One problem with this is if the user runs it twice, you’re back where you started. You may find a better way to do this, but I couldn’t.

I suppose you could write a report script that built a user-specific REG file that then merged itself with the user’s current registry, but that sounds like a lot of work, and could be tricky and unreliable.

There is one other way to bypass the New Report Wizard at startup: open BO with a report file. If, for example, you specify a report file on the command line, BO opens that report at startup, and thus skips the New Report Wizard. You could build a new shortcut for your users that has an empty report file in the command line, send this new shortcut file and the empty report file to your users, and have them replace the shortcut in their Start Menu - Programs - BusinessObjects folder with the one you’ve sent.

Maybe some of these ideas will spark some others.

Erich Hurst
Compaq Computer Corporation

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Objects 4.1.3

Hi Edna,

There is a registry setting.
The settings of a user are stored in de registry, you change the dword value for “UseWizard” into “0”

Distribution suggestion …

Find the key in the registry,

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BusinessObjects\USERNAME User Prefs\busobj\Options\Document

Highlight the RegistryFolder “Document” and export the key with the new setting. Save it as a registry file.

For each user you can generate a registry file. Just edit the file with an editor like notepad (clicking with the right mouse-button on the registry file hold down the Left Shift, open with notepad) and change the USERNAME, save the file with a new name …, etc …

Send the registry file to the concerning user …

The user … just dubbelclick on the file and de registry will be update.

This works very well, but the main question is: Where does BO stores the default settings for all users???


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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

bjects 4.1.3

Edna Lee wrote:

Is there a way to NOT automatically display the “New Report Wizard” every time a user logs in to Business Objects module?

This information is kept in the Windows registry for each user that has used Business Objects on a given PC. It is found in the registry entry found at:

\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BusinessObjects"USERNAME" User Prefs\busobj\Options\General\ShowWelcomeWizard

where “USERNAME” is the Business Objects username of the user. If this value is 1, the welcome wizard will be shown. If it is 0, it will not be. I do not believe there is a default registry entry associated with this item. If you knew all the usernames who would be on a given PC, you could precreate these registry entries (although that seems unlikely).


Bob Molby
GE Lighting

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

bjects 4.1.3

This registry key does not apply to the “Welcome Wizard”. This registry key determines whether you see the New Report Wizard when you click File - New, or if you just see a blank report.

Erich Hurst
Compaq Computer Corporation

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

bjects 4.1.3

Mathias Heinemann wrote:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BusinessObjects\USERID User Prefs\busobj\Options\General]

(dword:00000001 will enable the wizard again) Copy these lines to a text file with a .reg suffix and the user just have to doubleclick it.

Just to repeat and clarify my first note. The value “USERID” must be literally the same as the user’s Business Objects login name. This is a dynamically created registry entry by Business Objects, using the login ID entered at the time. The above will NOT WORK, since it would need to be altered for every user to replace USERID with their individual name. I would speculate that it would be possible to create a ReportScript that executed immediately upon login that would create a user specific registry file similar to the above and then run an external program to merge it into the system registry.


Bob Molby

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

bjects 4.1.3

From: Hurst, Erich[SMTP:Erich.Hurst@COMPAQ.COM]

There’s no easy, universal way to do this. The option to be greeted by the
New Report Wizard at login is, as you noted, controlled in the user’s Tools

  • Options window. This option is not stored in the Security repository, so
    there is nothing you can do from Supervisor to handle this.

The option is stored to the user’s Windows Registry, in the ShowWelcomeWizard value in the My Computer \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE
BusinessObjects \ User Prefs \ busobj \ Options \ General key (folder), where is the user’s BusinessObjects account name. (BusObj stores the preferences for each user of the PC separately.) Because
the user’s name is embedded in the key name, it would be difficult to come up with a solution that manipulated the registry directly.

Why not export this registry value and creata simple program in any language that would create
similar file for every user? With Visual Basic you could even mail such a file using MAPI to users,
with instruction to double-click the icon (so that registry is updated at once)…

Or it might be a program that reads “pattern” file from some public directory, replaces
with current user’s name, writes the changed file to local directory, then runs regedit on it.
Then add this program to common login script…

Ryszard Mikke

–==> Hiroshima’45 Tschernobyl’86 Windows’95 <==--

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)