Hi, Someone has a clue to this problem: When I try to exclude certain
rows for an account I don’t see the colum names listed in the the
tables/columns list, only the tables. Is this correct? Do I have to know
the column name myself or is there a setting I overlooked. Btw. I’m
using superviser as a general-supervisor.
When I try to exclude certain rows for an account I don’t see the column
names listed in the the tables/columns list, only the tables
Does the universe you are restricting have a BOUSER/BOPASS connection?
and is the user/pass you are logging into with the supervisor not the owner
of the tables in the database? Than this is a workaround:
Create a (general) supervisor user with the tableowner User name and
Log into Supervisor Module as this new user and make the
You’ll be able to see the column names in the where clause now.
My company has several business units and are stored in the same Oracle database.
A user may have access to 1 or more units, but only access 1 unit at a time in a BO report.
Currently, for people that can access mulitple units, I setup a different username for each unit and use the row restrictions to control the business unit access.
For example, a user will log on as user_1 to access unit 1 and as user_2 to access unit 2.
I take this approach because the user don’t want/remember to specify the unit each time they create a report.
I want to use NT authentication, but I can’t since the BO username may be different from the NT username.
Am I stuck with standard security?