I have a report with Month and Revenue data for 12 months. I have to create a new variable Rev-YTD. When the data is filtered for any 3 or 4 months, the Rev-YTD should remain unchanged.
Is there any way to do it within the report without modifying the query ?
you can create a new table with with all the 12 months and the YTD column. Now hide the month columns and get the YTD column alone. place this column adj to the table where you are doing the filter on the months. The two table are now independent fo each other.
What you can do is calculate YTD and and apply the filters locally. Ie. Create a column with all 12 months and calculate TD. Now Paste YTD from that column into the report and apply filters on months locally. Then you can hide or delete the column with which you calculated YTD.