I’m looking for help within the ReportScript editor as I’m pretty much a beginner!
What I want is a user interface that allows the user to select a Report and from the report selected, they can then do comlex conditions for example: The user can choose a selection on one paticular field (object), take for example to list by material number, they can choose a BETWEEN statement or/and they can choose to enter specified material numbers, or they can select all material Numbers or they can select just one material number.
I have looked at not using the ReportScript and using @prompt and @variable but find that I can only apply some of the conditions together and not all so I’m guessing that it has to be done in the ReportScript. Problem when I try to do it in reportscript is that I have errors in my code, when I try to call the Material numbers selected by the users and apply the condition to the report.
Where do I have to declare the conditions I want to make? In the Universe design?, in the ReportScript? and in the Business Objects query panel? and what is the layout for this?
Thanks if anyone can help
If you have examples then feel free to email me with them,
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