Reports prompted with current date

Here is my problem:
We have many reports(BO FC & webi) with prompt, this prompt is a date.
Users want to see all report refreshed at current date(today).

How can I achive this?

VBA is only for BO FC.
BCA: input today date every time I schedule? It is not fair!

wshiguetaka (BOB member since 2002-08-16)

You could change the prompt to be a constant that calls ‘sysdate’.

Charles Killam :us: (BOB member since 2003-04-24)

But users still want to use prompts. Moreover, they are able to change their date ranges.

wshiguetaka (BOB member since 2002-08-16)

Sorry, its sound I have between clause. My last post was wrong. Should be:

But users still want to use prompt. Moreover, they are able to change their date.

wshiguetaka (BOB member since 2002-08-16)

So, I guess I don’t understand.

We have many reports(BO FC & webi) with prompt, this prompt is a date.
Users want to see all report refreshed at current date(today).

What do you mean by 'users want to see all reports refreshed at current date(today). Do they want the end date to be today and they can change begin date?

Charles Killam :us: (BOB member since 2003-04-24)

Sorry, yeah, its a litte bit confusing.

Let me clarify.

  1. there s no between clause
  2. the users want to see current information when opening.
  3. the users want to be able to change information date by prompt.

Thanks for you help

wshiguetaka (BOB member since 2002-08-16)

So, they want a refresh on open for current data, then re-run the report for a specific timeframe?

If that is what they want, I can only suggest creating a prompt for them to ADD to the report after the refresh on opne or figure out some way for BO to use current as a default if the prompt os left blank. I have not done that !!!

Good luck,


Charles Killam :us: (BOB member since 2003-04-24)

Look for S. Krandel’s presentation from the Business Objects user conference 2003, titled: “Empowering End Users Through Smart Universe Design” (available from Business Objects Techsupport, requires maintenance contract).

There is a section about intelligent calendars in his presentation that might give you some good ideas.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

I still do not have a solution.

Any ideas?

wshiguetaka (BOB member since 2002-08-16)

Did you look at Steve Krandel’s presentation to get some ideas?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

I could swear I posted this before in this topic, but…

Another option:
Use a predefined condition that holds an OR statement.

(<date obj>=@prompt('Enter Date','D',,MONO, FREE) and @variable('BOUSER')<>'BCASUBMITTER') OR
(<date obj>=sysdate and @variable('BOUSER') = 'BCASUBMITTER')

This implies that you should use a common id to submit your reports to the BCA. If that ID is used, then the prompt will be ignored. You still have to fill it in on the initial submittal, but it will be ignored. Regular users well get their prompt value used.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

It really works. Thanks Steve!

wshiguetaka (BOB member since 2002-08-16)