Can anyone give me any advice concerning on how to formulate a Begin & End date report script? We would like to schedule most of prompted reports that have begin & end dates.
Thank You For The Help!
Hub Galbraith
Vanguard Cellular, Inc.
Business Objects Support
Assuming that you have many reports that you would like to submit with their parameters selected only once and applied to all, it’s (fairly) easy to build a script that uses a dialog box for the parameters, stores these in BOVariables, and then applies them to the report.
The secret is to ensure that each different PROMPT name is identical for every report, and to assign the value from the dialog to the prompt (which will also be a variable).
When you then refresh each report it shouldn’t prompt for values but take them from the variable.
Unfortunately I never worked out how to do this when submitting the reports to the DAS… although I must re-visit this at some point.
Please feel free to ask if you’d like some more help.
Phil Morris
Analyst Programmer
BITS dept.
Tarmac Heavy Building Materials UK Ltd.
PO Box 8
West Mids
“My own opinions are not necessarily those of my employer…”
From: Hub Galbraith[SMTP:HGALBRAI@VCELA.COM] Sent: 15 July 1998 14:00
Can anyone give me any advice concerning on how to formulate a Begin & End date report script? We would like to schedule most of prompted reports that have begin & end dates.
Thank You For The Help!
Hub Galbraith
Vanguard Cellular, Inc.
Business Objects Support
In a message dated 98-07-15 11:12:08 EDT, you write:
Can anyone give me any advice concerning on how to formulate a Begin &
End date report script? We would like to schedule most of prompted reports that have begin & end dates.
It is not clear to me what you are asking here.
If you are trying to schedule a set of reports with variable begin and end dates, what you really want to do is create an object that does the calculation for you. Suppose that you have weekly reports that DAS will run for an entire year. Each Monday the report should look at a new week.
You don’t want to fill in a prompt via a script, because once the prompt is set and sent to DAS the same prompt value is used over and over. An object that dynamically determines what the start and end dates should be is the way to go. However, we need to know your target database to come up with an example for that!
Dave Rathbun
Integra Solutions See you in Orlando in '98!