Report refresh and distribution to private emails using BCA?


I am kinda relatively new to this topic of Scheduling and sending reports to people using BCA. Is there a way that reports after refreshed (using BCA) can be sent to people (who use private emails) via email in a automated process.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks and Regards.

bo_reporter (BOB member since 2004-02-21)


You can either use the BCA Scheduler:
Add a VBA script in your document, which sends it per E-Mail.
Schedule a job in the BCA Scheduler, which uses that document and start the macro.

Or u can use the BCA Publisher, which allows u to distribute reports per E-Mail.
Problem: BCA Publisher needs an additional license, which is not cheap.


cpoireault (BOB member since 2004-08-03)

Is this any use?

If you search around a bit, you should be able to find information on how other people have done this too. :slight_smile:

Paul Williams :uk: (BOB member since 2002-07-10)

This helps!

Thanks for the quick response.

Thanks and Regards!

bo_reporter (BOB member since 2004-02-21)